Enrolled Agent

What is an Enrolled Agent?

An Enrolled Agent (EA) is an individual who has demonstrated technical competence in the field of taxation to the IRS by successfully passing a comprehensive examination which covers all aspects of the tax code and is empowered by the U.S. Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before all administrative levels of the Internal Revenue Service for audits, collections and appeals.

What does the term “Enrolled Agent” Mean?

“Enrolled ” means to be licensed to practice by the Federal government, and “Agent” means authorized to appear in the place of the taxpayer at the IRS. Only Enrolled Agents, attorneys and CPAs have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the IRS. The Enrolled Agent profession dates back to 1884 when, after questionable claims had been presented for Civil War losses, Congress acted to regulate persons who represented citizens in their dealings with the U.S. Treasury Department.

How can an Enrolled Agent help me?

Enrolled Agents advise, represent and prepare tax returns for individuals, partnerships, corporations, estates, trusts and any entities with tax-reporting requirements. Enrolled Agents’ expertise in the continually changing field of taxation enables them to effectively represent taxpayers audited by the IRS.
